What Are Avulux Migraine Glasses?

by | Apr 25, 2024 | Glasses

Avulux migraine glasses

Imagine a life where headaches don’t dictate your day. Could Avulux migraine glasses be the answer?

The health benefits of using anti-migraine glasses are immense, including decreased reliance on medications and their potential side effects.

I’m Nandita Chowdhury, the proud owner and principal optometrist at Picton Eyecare. We’re nestled in the heart of Wollondilly Shire, a community I’m thrilled to serve. I’d like to share with you our experience of prescribing Avulux glasses to patients.

I hope this article helps you understand the real difference this eyewear can make.

Symptoms of Migraine

Why do some people experience such overwhelming headaches? If you’ve ever found yourself clutching your head in agony, wishing for a dark, quiet room, you might be one of the millions grappling with migraines.

These are not your average headaches. Typically, the sensation can be experienced as a severe, throbbing or piercing pain. This pain is usually localized to one side of the head but can spread across both sides or shift during an attack.

In a 2019 study, 65% of migraine sufferers reported nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound.

Approximately 25% to 30% of people with migraines experience something known as migraine aura, which come in three primary forms:

  • Visual Aura: Often experienced as temporary visual disturbances, including flickering lights or zigzag patterns.
  • Sensorimotor Aura: Involves sensory or motor issues, such as numbness, tingling, or weakness, which can occur with or without visual changes.
  • Dysphasic Aura: The rarest form of migraine aura, characterized by difficulties with speech and language, such as slurred or garbled speech.

People may also experience certain symptoms as a prelude to a migraine (a.k.a. prodrome phase), marked by mood changes and fatigue that can occur days before the headache.

Similarly, they may go through what has been described as a “migraine hangover” (a.k.a. postdrome phase), where the headache is followed by fatigue and mental fog, lasting up to 48 hours.

Prevalence of Migraine Attacks

Migraine is a widespread issue, yet it remains under-recognized and frequently not managed effectively. Women are three times more likely to be afflicted than men. This discrepancy could be due to hormonal influences which are more pronounced in women.

The condition can begin in childhood, but more often appears in people in their 20s or 30s.

In Australia alone, close to 5 million people suffer from migraines. A significant number of these, around half a million, experience these debilitating symptoms on more than eight days each month.

It’s concerning that over 30% of those affected by the condition are resorting to opioids for relief. This points to the urgent need for better awareness and treatments that can effectively address and manage this challenging condition without reliance on such potent medications.

Migraine Triggers and Light Sensitivity

Understanding migraine triggers is a critical step in managing this debilitating experience effectively. Recognizing the following triggers can help in avoiding a full-blown attack.

  • Dietary choices such as consuming processed meats are linked to the onset of migraines due to their high content of preservatives and additives. These substances can trigger inflammation or changes in blood vessels, which initiates a migraine.
  • Skipping meals. Not having enough food is one of the most common food-related causes of migraine attacks.
  • Caffeine. Having too much caffeine can lead to a migraine attack for some people. However, cutting out caffeine suddenly can also trigger migraine attacks.
  • Head injury can result in headaches and migraine episodes.
  • Hormone changes. Some women find that their migraines are linked to their menstrual cycle.
  • Sound. Prolonged or sudden loud noises, such as busy areas or sirens, can trigger migraine attacks.
  • Insufficient hydration is often overlooked as a migraine trigger. Dehydration can cause a reduction in blood volume, leading to reduced oxygen supply to the brain and potentially triggering migraine symptoms.
  • Lack of sleep or too much sleep disrupts the body’s natural rhythms and can exacerbate the frequency and severity of migraines.
  • Eye strain from prolonged screen use is a growing concern, especially in our digitally dominated era. This strain may lead to visual disturbances and discomfort, which are common precursors to migraine headaches.
  • Photophobia, or light sensitivity, significantly impacts individuals with migraines, making them highly sensitive to everyday lighting conditions. This sensitivity can transform what is typically harmless exposure to light into a painful experience.
  • Certain wavelengths of light, especially blue light from screens and fluorescent lighting, can provoke the onset of migraines. These specific wavelengths can irritate the eyes and brain.

Migraine triggers are complex, and for each individual the cause of migraines will be different.

If harsh light is a usual trigger for you, Avulux glasses may be the solution. The connection between light and migraines isn’t just anecdotal; it’s backed by the science of how our brains process visual stimuli.

The Science Behind Avulux Migraine Glasses

So, can a pair of glasses really change the lives of those suffering from migraines?

Let me introduce you to Avulux, which are not just any ordinary pair of spectacles.

Since light is a common trigger, (implicated in up to 60% of migraine attacks), Avulux’s technology addresses this, filtering out the precise wavelengths known to provoke these episodes. This selective filtering process is crucial because traditional sunglasses indiscriminately block all types of light, which can be counterproductive for those with light sensitivity. Avulux lenses target white, red, amber, and especially blue wavelengths which have been found to aggravate migraine symptoms.

Green light has its own part to play in this innovative technology. Green light is often referred to as the magic wavelength for migraine sufferers. Avulux lenses capitalize on this by ensuring that the right amount of green light is allowed to reach the eyes, soothing the brain during episodes of migraine without overwhelming it, thus providing relief where other lenses or treatments might not.

But do they really work? The proof is in the wearing – an impressive 90% of users report that Avulux lenses significantly improve their ability to manage day-to-day life with fewer disruptions from migraines. Clinical studies support the efficacy of this new approach in migraine management, especially for those who find themselves frequently incapacitated by these painful episodes.

In a 2023 controlled study, 78 individuals experiencing the onset of migraine wore specially tinted glasses from Avulux. Results showed a notable reduction in pain intensity at both two and four hours after the migraines began.

Avulux migraine glasses sample

Advantages of Avulux vs Alternatives

Let’s compare some alternative products and solutions for migraine management.

FL-41 Tinted Glasses

  • FL-41 is a specific rose-colored tint that has been used for decades to help manage light sensitivity and migraines.
  • FL-41 glasses filter out a broad range of light wavelengths, but they may not be as targeted in filtering out the specific wavelengths implicated in migraine attacks as Avulux glasses, which are designed based on recent research into light sensitivity and migraine.

Blue Light Blocking Glasses

  • Designed to block or filter out the blue light emitted by screens, these glasses are popular among people who experience eye strain from screen use.
  • Blue light blocking glasses are primarily designed for reducing eye strain rather than specifically managing migraines or light sensitivity caused by a broader spectrum of light.

Traditional Migraine Medications

  • Medications, including over-the-counter pain relievers, triptans, and preventative medications, are commonly used to treat migraine attacks.
  • Unlike wearing glasses, medications can have side effects ranging from mild to severe. Many medications are taken at the onset of symptoms rather than serving as a continuous preventative measure.

Polarized Sunglasses

  • Polarized sunglasses are designed to reduce glare from surfaces like water and pavement, which can be beneficial for people with light sensitivity.
  • While effective against glare, polarized sunglasses do not specifically target the light wavelengths known to trigger migraines. They are not ideal for indoor use, where many migraine triggers like fluorescent lighting can be found.

Lifestyle Adjustments

  • Modifications in daily habits, such as reducing screen time, managing stress, and avoiding known migraine triggers.
  • These measures may help reduce the frequency of migraines but do not address acute symptoms or the direct impact of light sensitivity. Avoiding triggers can be limiting and not always practical in daily life.

Get Your TRIAL Avulux Migraine Glasses at Picton Eyecare

At Picton Eyecare, we understand the hesitation that comes with trying new solutions for chronic issues like migraines. That’s why we offer a unique opportunity to try Avulux migraine glasses with minimal risk. You can test these innovative glasses for a few weeks to see if they make a difference in your life before making a final decision.

To make this trial as accessible as possible, we only require a deposit. This amount is fully refundable should you decide to return the glasses after the trial period. It’s a straightforward, stress-free process designed to put your comfort and satisfaction first.

Many of our patients who have chosen to purchase Avulux lenses after their trial have reported significant reductions in their migraine episodes.

At Picton Eyecare, we are committed to helping you manage your health with the latest technology in eye care solutions. Trying Avulux migraine glasses could be your first step towards experiencing fewer migraine days and rediscovering the joys of a life not dominated by pain.

Watch the following video to learn more about the remarkable abilities of these anti-migraine lenses.


Avulux offers a non-invasive, clinically proven solution to reduce migraine episodes and tackle light sensitivity effectively. At Picton Eyecare, we provide a unique trial program for Avulux migraine glasses, ensuring you can experience the difference they make before committing.

By not taking action, you risk letting migraines control more of your life, from work productivity to precious moments with loved ones.

Don’t wait for another migraine to remind you; be proactive, book your consultation now, and step into a more pain free, migraine-reduced future.

You can call us on (02) 4603 2309 or arrange an appointment using the “Book Now” button in the navigation menu. We are conveniently located in the heart of Picton, NSW. There is plenty of parking available at the back of our store.