Comprehensive Eye Examination For All Ages.
During a comprehensive eye test we will check your eyesight and eye health. We screen for eye diseases like glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataracts, melanoma, retinal detachment and much more.
We will ask you questions to understand your need and provide optical solutions that will suite your lifestyle.

Prescribing eye drops
Our optometrist is able to prescribe eye drops for treatment of red eyes, bacterial and viral eye infections, allergies, glaucoma and many other eye conditions.

Digital retinal scan or retinal photography
This is a non invasive diagnostic test which provides high resolution images of your retina, optic nerve and macula.

Optical Cohorence Tomography (OCT)
This invasive imaging takes cross sectional pictures of different layers of the retina, optic nerve and macula using light waves.
OCT scan is useful in early detection of glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, macular hole and many other eye conditions.

Transport NSW driving form, Police and defence form.
We can complete your transport NSW driving licence for class C, R and heavy vehicle licence online.

Aviation eye examination
Our optometrist is Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) accredited. Nandita will perform a comprehensive eye examination with eye drops to dilate your pupil and will submit your result online.

Foreign body removal
Foreign body is generally removed with local anesthetic.
Failure to promptly remove the foreign body may lead to severe infections and complications.

Dilated fundus exam and visual field test
Dilated fundus examination involves instilling eye drops which enlarges your pupil and allows our optometrist to have a better look at the back of the eyes.
Visual Field test measures your peripheral (side) vision. This test can diagnose loss in vision from glaucoma, brain tumour, head injury and stroke.

Colour vision test
We can diagnose colour vision deficiency and colour blindness.
Identifying and addressing color vision concerns can be instrumental in ensuring success and safety in various career paths.

Contact lens fitting
Experience personalized vision with our expert fitting of single vision and multifocal soft and hard contact lenses. Choose from our range, including daily, fortnightly, and monthly disposable lenses, ensuring a comfortable and tailored solution for your vision needs.

Myopia management in children
Myopia management involves identifying risk factors for myopia (short sightedness) and prescribing appropriate intervention (eye drops, specialised spectacles and contact lenses) to slower down progression of myopia.
Laser vision correction
Laser refractive surgery improves vision by reshaping corneas. We can assess your suitability and offer referral to an ophthalmologist.

Low vision assessment
Low vision refers to poor vision which can not be corrected with glasses or contact lenses. It can affect your everyday activities.
We can offer low vision aids (magnifiers and other technologies) and can refer you to Vision Australia or Guide Dogs Australia.